Roger Callahan Free Event

Tapping To Cure Stress - Get Emotional Freedom From Stress

Roger Callahan

Joanne callahan

Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan, Founder and Developers, Thought Field Therapy(TFT for short).

TFT To The Rescue…The Ultimate Stress Buster

Today’s world is chaotic, filled with anxiety, trauma and stress, from natural disasters, war, terrorists and the economic crisis of job loss, home foreclosures and stock market crashes. This constant stress on our minds and bodies takes its toll.

Studies continually tell us stress depresses our immune system, increases risk of heart disease, aggravates weight and addictive behaviors and leads to sleep problems. Not to speak of what it does to us emotionally.

To get emotional freedom, you need to first get free of stress. Most of us find these stresses inescapable, but, there is something you can do, quickly and simply, to reduce the stress on your system...

Dr. Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy® has over 30 years of success in conquering trauma, stress, phobias, fears and addictions. It has some proven yet simple, self-help procedures (based on the body’s meridian system) that will decrease the stress we experience daily.

Isn't it time to find the emotional freedom you need?

Listen in on the teleconference
with Dr. Roger and Joanne Callahan,
and be introduced to how the TFT technique
is used in overcoming stress...

If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to click the player twice to make it play. (All other Web browsers will let you click once.) If you do not see the MP3 player, then you don't have the Flash player installed.

The information provided on this call is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.  You should consult with your healthcare professional before starting any new health related program and should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.


Discover how to harness the power of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) to overcome ANY fears, anxiety, stress, and addictions resulting from living in today’s chaotic and uncertain times.

Roger and Joanne share how TFT has touched the lives of over 1 million people around the world, and continues to be highly effective time and time again in helping people take control and conquer: Fears, Envy, Jealousy, Procrastination, Depression, Obsessions and compulsions, Anger, Grief, Depression, Addictive urges, Performance enhancement , Self sabotage, Irrational guilt, Weight control, Improvement of self-esteem and many, many more!

The techniques featured on this teleseminar have been used globally to bring relief to those suffering from being involved in the Kosovo war as well as the genocide in Rwanda that claimed the lives of more than 800,000 people.

Also these techniques were used to help the suffering of many who were involved in the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th, Hurricane Katrina, the Oklahoma City Bombing and the deadly high school shooting at Columbine.

If TFT can be this powerful and effective in eliminating the fear, anxiety, trauma and suffering under these horrific circumstances- imagine what it can do for you.


Featured e-learning program:

NEW: Learn the Basics Of TFT

An Introduction to TFT — Tapping Basics Online with Instant Access.

The perfect place to start.

Read More Here...

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* Disclaimer: The self-help products recommended on this web site are for the purpose of reducing fears, stress and various associated daily problems only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, mental or physical, or as a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.

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