TFT Energy Tapping helps people suffering from a variety of psychological problems. Dr. Callahan's Thought Field Therapy works for anxiety and stress related fears. Meridian EFT Tapping alternative

Obsessing About How Long It Lasts

By Mark Steinberg, PhD.

How long does TFT treatment last? This seems to be an obsession among many people we talk to, skeptics and seekers alike. Here is a good example:

Last February, I treated a 16-year old for OCD symptoms, using diagnostic face-to-face TFT. This adolescent had seriously disabling symptoms. He felt that there were good times to leave his house and bad times. If he missed the narrow window of good times, he could not leave his house. He was in grave distress.

Obviously, this condition seriously impacted his life. Ironically, he functioned very well outside of his obsessive compulsiveness. He was an excellent student and a first-string quarterback on his high school football team. His OCD included numerous restricting rituals, such as checking many things repeatedly and counting ritualistically.

After one TFT diagnostic treatment, his SUD went to a 1. He was giggling and flushed. I asked him to get upset about his problem, and, of course, he could not do it. Seeing how relaxed and jovial he had become, I needled him a bit to test the limits and validity of these results.

Oh, come on, I prodded. Isn?t it obvious that certain times are bad, and you should avoid leaving during those times?

That?s ridiculous, he laughed. I know I was like that, but not anymore. I can leave at any time.

We were both impressed by the dramatic and rapid results. I didn?t see him for a year, and found myself thinking about him. Figuring that his problem was pretty severe, and that he might need more help, I called him to find out how he was doing, and to let him know that I could now treat him with Voice Technology.

To my amazement, he said he was doing fine, his problem of only leaving the house at certain times and checking things and counting had completely disappeared, and he did not need any treatment.

He said, I guess the treatment really worked. As an afterthought he added, Or maybe I just matured.

I was pleased, but dumfounded. (Nothing like an apex to end a conversation!)

Obsessing about how long this single treatment had lasted, I had to remind myself that keeping someone better was a better treat than treating someone longer. Like the treatment, that is a thought that lasts.



Alternative medicine for energy healing and natural healing introduces Callahan Techniques®. Receive the best alternative medicine and energy healing therapy through Callahan Techniques training. Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy is the power therapy of the 21'st century. It is a brief, effective psychotherapy for the rapid and natural healing of negative emotions and psychological problems. In the alternative medicine field, Thought Field Therapy uses nature's therapeutic system to balance the bodies energy system promoting natural healing and improved mental health. Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy is a natural, drug-free approach with rapid results that can be documented with Heart Rate Variability measurements. Callahan Techniques® training is offered to professionals in the energy healing and alternative medicine as well as traditional healthcare fields.



* Disclaimer: The self-help products recommended on this web site are for the purpose of reducing fears, stress and various associated daily problems only. They are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease, mental or physical, or as a substitute for regular medical or psychological care.

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